Saturday, December 27, 2008

Shopping List Saturday: SUPER hand made

Today's theme: super hand made.

As in: things that are lovingly handcrafted through painstaking handiwork: needlework, embroidery, hand felting--careful construction that comes from having held the object in your hands for sometimes hours to add tiny gorgeous details.

I love this stuff. I love wearing it and displaying it in my home. I love that it's an embodiment of the old version of the word "craft," the meaning that includes hours and hours of actual physical and psychic energy put into each object; the meaning that means, during construction, the crafter creates a relationship with the object and when you purchase that object (or receive it as a gift) you actually hold a piece of the crafter.

Row One: Queen anne’s lace cuff by waterrose; White walnut necklace by recycledrings; Dolores by youandyourbrother

Row Two: Snail scrap monster by hardyharhar; Leaf Wall Wear by neawear; Square number 3 by oddstitch;

Row Three: Frank the owl by cordiakitten; Jasmine, a pocket fairytale by lapommestories; Hand felted shapes by Alchemyfiberarts
As always, for more SLS, stop over at FancyPicnic


Anonymous said...

Awww that's a super nice selection! I'm so happy to be included! :)
Thank you so much!!

Waterrose said...

What a beautiful post! I am so honored to be among all of the other beautiful creations. Thank you so much!

Happy Holidays!

Candice Hartsough said...

thanks, dreambird! youandyourlittlebrother and i live in the same city, and have done a couple of shows at the same time here ... what a coincidence! :)